HSRI believes that we have a responsibility, with the gift of salvation that God has given us through his son Jesus Christ, to minister the good news of such a gift, not only through words but in the practical's of life as well. Not only in the preaching of God's word, but in deeds also. Our goal is to see people are truly transformed in their hearts and become an asset to the kingdom of God through discipleship and mentoring programs. We want to make an impact on communities here in the states as well as overseas and see local churches reach their full potential. Equipping of the body of Christ for the work of the ministry, emphasizing the necessity of the ministry of discipleship and mentorship as well as evangelism. |
We are looking for a building/facility in the Dominican Republic like an hotel or similar. We have not acquired a building as of yet but we are praying and believing God that we can purchase a facility in the Dominican to reach out in the cities and make a everlasting impact for the kingdom of God!! A multi-purpose center to serve and minister to people:
Drug/Alcohol addiction programs
Health Clinic
Food and Clothing Distribution
Human Trafficking
Domestic Violence
Discipleship Programs
Job Placement/Development/Trades
Local City Church
Small Mico-Enterprises
One of the programs we have and are implementing is establishing SMEs. Small to medium enterprises/businesses to help individuals or a group of entrepreneurs establish small businesses to break the chains of poverty in their lives and communities. Working with "Lion Exports Inc." we are moving forward to help fight poverty to those who are living in impoverished situations and conditions. If you have any interest in this area of ministry, please contact us......
This is our vision for the Inner-cities of America, and the Dominican Republic!! As the Lord Leads, possibly in other Major Cities in other countries!!
We will keep giving updates so stay tuned!!